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Remarkable Rachel


Inspiration Post- Old City Stores

Inspiration Post- Wooden

Zoomed In

  Zooming in on your subject requires an in-focus effect. It can be difficult to keep whatever it may be, in focus, when you zoom in. With that said, it is ideal to make sure the shot is

Follow Your Eye

Happy 2016! Here is a small post where I will talk about 'following your eye'. What do I mean by that? Okay, answer these few questions... Where does your eye first look at? Where does it then lead

Inspiration post- Lights

    Merry Christmas!       There are many ways you can have your photo depict lights. Blurry, streaks, infocus, HD, and so many more  effects. It all depends how you want the picture to look.

Inspiration Post- Traveling

  Traveling whilst having your camera with you is a great way to let your mind set free. When traveling you experience different surroundings that contain different beauty. Inspiration is finally seeing beauty in other objects or views,

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